Friday, April 9, 2010

Tip of the Day: Love Your Computer And It Will Love You!!!

What the HECK?!?!  Okay Sterling, now I KNOW you've gone mad!!"

Now, now, everyone, please let me explain my motif!!  Just as I mentioned, you must take good care of your computer and if you do, it will love you back and ensure you are well taken care of!!!  If you still don't understand the purpose of basic computer loving and caring, let me ask you a question.

If you don't love your cat, will it claw up your nice furniture?  I'll give you a hint, the answer begins with yes and ends with !!!!.  Give up?  YES!!!!  You sure bet your cat will not love you as you neglect and refuse to take good care of it, so it will treat you like crap in return!!!  So what importance does this have with doing your family history work?

Fact: Over 5 times a week, I receive complaints from patrons and fellow FHC workers about how their computers have "done something screwy," or how "it ate my family history work," or my personal favorite: "My computer died while I was working on my family history!!!"  If you have had ANY of the following happen to you, something worse, or just want to learn a great tip from a tech professional that's easy and free, read on!!

Do not run, never fear, for Glary Utilities is here!!!
Yeah, plain out and simple!!  A program called Glary Utilities is the way to go for basic computer lovin' and scrubbin' (Copyright Sterling, 2010)!!  Glary Utilities is a WONDERFUL program suite with a compilation of FREE and EFFECTIVE tools and other things that can clean up your computer better and FASTER than virtually any other program or compilation you'll ever find!!  Other companies may give you free TRIALS or have a "LOW" price of $50 or more, but the team at Glarysoft have gone out of their way to bring to the computer world the best, and cheapest, option to all those other bogus companies!!

"Wow Sterl, you have me sold!!  How do I get such a wonderful program for free?!"
I'm glad you asked!!  All you have to do is go to THIS SITE to download the program, Absolutely FREE!!!  Once you download it, be sure to install the program carefully as sometimes it asks you to download the not-required toolbar!!!  I just hate to see people install extra programs and toolbars that they don't need, so PLEASE uncheck those boxes if it asks you!!

After installing Glary Utilities, you will want to open the program.  After bringing up the beautiful metropolis-of-a-package, you may hear your computer sigh for the first time.  Yes, it's true that your poor, battered computer is longing for the lovin' and scrubbin' that it needs just like a hard worker loves a nice, hot bath after a long day!!!  The screen you are approached with is quite simple; it shows a few check boxes with some words and a modest "Scan for Issues" button.  Well, I would think that even an ape would understand that, so click away!!  The initial scan takes about 5 minutes if your computer is packed full of stuff, but in reality only about a minute or two.  DO NOT FRET IF YOUR COMPUTER HAS 500+ PROBLEMS, THAT IS NORMAL!!  After that, you'll see just how many errors can safely and effectively be removed from your computer that's begging for help.  So, now to the next part of this cleanup!!  We want to click the following "Repair Problems" button and let it do it's thing!!  Wow, wasn't that FAST?!?!

Now, if you really want to get this sucker clean and speed up the efficiency of your computer, then read on.  If you are satisfied with your computer's lighter load now, then you can stop.  The following steps are only required every month or so, but doing the simple scan from earlier is recommended once a week.

Notice how at the top there are a few tabs?  They kind of hide to keep the sleek design, but put your mouse over where it says "Modules" to the right of "1-Click Maintenance."  Go ahead and click that button.  By now, your computer will be giggling with glee as it knows you are about to tickle its speed sensors with joy!!  On the left side of the window now is a tab called "Optimize & Improve."  Ohhhh, what an understatement that is!!  I told you, the people at Glarysoft are just too modest for their fantastic work!!  Now click on the "Registry Defrag" option.  "But Sterling, I defrag my computer often!  I have no need to defrag my registry, so I'll pass."  WRONG!!!  When you defragment your computer, it does NOT touch the registry!!  So you better click that button or I will for you!!  Before you continue the process on the window that comes up, be sure to get a bookmanrk of this page because your computer will restart!!

After the process completes and you successfully analyzed, defragmented and restarted your computer, you should have noticed a speed increase so far.  You are done!!  If you feel tech savvy and brave, then feel free to visit the other, more advanced, options and play around with them.  I highly recommend you check out the "Startup Manager" if you want to greatly decrease your computer's startup time!!  And as always, PLEASE do not play with any options that you feel uncomfortable using!!!  You will not break your computer, but you can do some squirrelly things that may take someone's expertise to fix!!

Now that you are done with your computer lovin' and scrubbin' you'll notice that your happy friend is now performing better, running faster, and most importantly, is not crashing!!  After your amazing conversion, be sure to uninstall all those other garbage programs that the idiots at Worst Buy tell you to install or sell you at the Loser Bar.  And as always, ENJOY finding your family throughout your adventures and worry less about your computer walking slower than a snail or crashing on you unexpectedly!!

Download Glary Utilities TODAY!!! :) :) :)

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